Touch Screen Edutainment

The Magic Touch Series is a multilingual, interactive touch screen entertainment medium for children aged 3+, developed by OrgaControl in collaboration with experienced teachers for the most diverse commercial applications of interactive edutainment.
The many various models of the children’s attractions offer you interesting and modern applications which are targeted for specific groups. The enormous flexibility and durability of the products make it possible to integrate the educational gaming systems in almost every children’s waiting room and play area. Along with private practices, clinics and banks, these also include retail stores, shopping centres and many more.
Magic Wall icy-white high-gloss @ Scheffel's bakery

Magic Wall icy-white high-gloss @ Scheffel’s bakery

The most diverse configurations of wall mounting, standalone devices or built-in solutions make it possible to optimally integrate the systems in the instore kids corner even when the tightest space restrictions apply. All devices are delivered as plug-in ready and are immediately operational as soon as power is supplied – no additional personnel requirements are necessary.
At the customer’s request, we also develop logo-specific and customised devices which include everything from the individual layout and selection of themes to tailored housing configurations.
Most of our basic gaming kiosks are equipped with a framelass PCap two-glass (2GS) touch screen and offer pristine optical clarity and touch durability that passes UL-60950 & IK-07 impact testing

Magic Screen
built-in kits
Magic Wall LED
wall-mount appliances
Magic Wall Deluxe
wall-mount appliances
Magic Wall 2xtouch Deluxe
wall-mount appliances
Magic PlayTable
Magic PlayIsland
occupy up to 6 children
Magic Tower
customize design

add-ons’s and HPL colours
for customized playgrounds
Magic Seats
Cube & BeanBag

About HPL
HPL Colour Sheet
HPL Wood
HPL Metal
Product Safety